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67 E. Oak, Suite 6E, Chicago, IL 60611 312.202.9222 |
Best Chicago Barbers offers a wide array of choices for men's hairstyles. Whether you want a style to match a long, medium, or short hair length, we have the experience and expertise to give you a style that fits your tastes and lifestyle. |
Men's Short Hairstyles
Men take a great deal of pride in their hair styles and in the way hair can affect a man's overall appearance. Many men prefer to wear shorter hair because it can take years off their appearance and help them to look more masculine, sexy, & strong. |
Men's Medium Hairstyles
Medium length hairstyles give a man a more classic appearance and most styles are accepted in all professions as appropriate. Classic medium length styles require slightly more attention to maintain than short styles that do not even require a comb. A man with medium length hair has more options should he choose to change his appearance slightly by combing his hair differently. |
Men's Long Hairstyles
Some people may be surprised to know that men tend to take as much pride in their appearance, including their hairstyle, as many women. A professional can wear his hair at about shoulder length and maintain it in a clean style acceptable to most as being appropriate. A professional style is cut to the shape of the face so that the eyes are visible without any hint of hiding behind the hair. |
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